Monday, March 25, 2013

Adventures In: CONFESSIONS!!

*These are my confessions*
Yup I just sang to you Usher style dear blog readers :)

So I was just chatting with my co-worker about Disney, and I stated "Disney movies are freaking scary".

It's true. They are. Why they are marketed at kids I'll never fully understand. The villains are too much.

So here is my confession.

At 28 years old I still have a reoccurring nightmare that I'm stuck in the mother freakin' Cave of Wonders.

Yup. The Cave of Wonders from Aladdin still gives me nightmares. It should be called the Cave of I'm Going To Haunt You For The Rest of Your Life!

Am I alone here? Maybe, but I doubt it. And maybe it's not the Cave that still haunts your sleep, maybe it's Ursula, or Scar, or being swallowed by the whale in Pinocchio, but I bet there is someone out there who still has bad dreams from enjoying "Disney Magic" as a child.

Anyhoo. I hope everyone is having a lovely day.
To anyone in the Mid-West who awoke to more darn snow this morning, I feel your pain.

Sending you all warm thoughts :)
XO -TaraPants

PS Spring, please come visit us, and stick around for more than just a day. I miss sunshine and flowers!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Adventures In: Blog Failures.

So I wrote my last blog about wanting to post more, and all that jazz. Then I failed miserably.


But, I have been super sick. It's been awful. It started over a week ago, I got a little better, now I'm worse. No fever for the time being, but it was over 102. Now I'm just coughing my head off. It's not cute. It's actually pretty annoying, and painful. Urgent Care, which was a total joke, said I had an upper respiratory infection. They gave me steroids, which did nothing but make my face red and hot. I just want to cough up whatever is making my lungs feel like they are being squished and move on with my day!!

Basically the only time I'm not coughing is when I'm eating Edy's Whole Fruit Barfs. Thank goodness they are amazing!

So that's my quick update. When I get better its my goal to make this bloggity blog better!!

Xo TaraPants

Monday, March 11, 2013

Adventures In: Being A Blog Slacker

I totally admit 2 things. I started this blog because I really wanted it to be *something*, and I'm totally slacking on making that happen.

I'm not really sure what I wanted to make this blog into, but I wanted it to be fun, entertaining, updated often, and have more than one follower. (Thanks Kelli!). I guess the problem is I'm not really sure how to make some of those things happen.

My new goals for this blog will be posting at the very very least once a week, and I need to start following other bloggers to get inspiration and such.

Hey, at the very least this blog is currently my way of ranting, gushing about my boyfriendy, and having those things to look back on later in life. However, I want more out of it than that. I want people to enjoy it, or at least comment, or something.

Time to brain storm new ideas!! Thinking cap is on.

Stay tuned!!

XO TaraPants