Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Adventures In: Getting Healthy (Or Trying To At Least)

It's time for this girl to get her butt in shape. I'd never in a MILLION years be brave enough to post my weight on my blog like Emily did over on RUNNING LIKE A MOTHER WAY TO GO!!! Not only for being brave enough to post your weight, but more importantly for all your hard work. You are an inspiration! 

Yesterday I started (re)using the MyFitnessPal app. It has helped me in the past. I think just knowing I'm going to have to document what I put in my body helps me make better/smarter/healthier choices. I really like how easy it is. Plus it's free. Score. 

The boyfriendy and I also took a walk for over an hour. Tonight we are heading to the gym. We started off so strong with our workouts, but then he got sick, then I got sick, then we both got sort of lazy about it because of the cold. I wish it was warm enough to talk another walk outside, but Indiana weather is INSANE, and it'll be too cold. Such a bummer. 

The best friendy is also doing the app with me. We are going to be each others encouragement from afar. 

I'm excited and motivated. I hope that lasts. 

I'm also signed up for a 5K in July. I won't be running it. My boobs just DO NOT allow for running to happen. However, I'd like to complete this awesome super fun Color Run without feeling like I'm (or actually) dying!!! 

Wish me luck pals!! 

Love TaraPants


  1. Thank you for the shout out! :) I'm so jealous you're doing a Color Run.. they look like so much fun. Walk it, run it, crawl it, whatever -- a 5K is a 5K!

    Add me on MyFitnessPal -- my username is HoosierGirl9805 :)

  2. Will do!!

    Also thanks for being my first ever comment!!! You rock!!!

  3. Also if you want to join our Color Run Team that would be awesome!! It's in Indy on July 20. But I know my sister and cousins are doing one in Evansville too. I don't think it's listed on The Color Run website, but it's a similar thing.
