Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Adventures In: A Day In The Life.

So a blogger I follow is doing a Blog A Day in the month of May challenge. I'm clearly not doing that. Blogger fail, but I liked the prompt for the day today. It's probably going to be extremely boring, but why not share with my 3 readers what I'm up to today! :) I'll also share what I eat. That's because I'm trying to drop some major poundage, and accountability is key in that for me. This is why I use MyFitnessPal. Plus I like the blog Post that Emily at did called "What I Ate Wednesday". Yay stealing ideas from other awesome bloggers :)

5AM- The boyfriendy's alarm goes off. BARF! 5am is evil. I mumble something to him. Glance at my phone,  and see I have a few texts from the bestie. Decide it's best to text her back later, after all it's 4am where she is, and I don't want to get cut for texting her that early!

7am(ish)- Boyfriendy comes to kiss me goodbye. I'm still snoozing. He asks me to check on his clothes in the dryer before I leave for work, because he turned them on, and after an hour they were "still soaked". He gives me a smooch or 2 or 4, he's off to work.

7:11am- my alarm goes off. I hit snooze.

7:20- I think "I don't want to go to school today". Boyfriendy and I say this to each other all the time. Neither of us is in school. I force myself out of bed, and start getting ready. I like to sleep in as long as possible, so I shower at night.

7:40- Check the clothes, they are dry. Text the boyfriend that clearly he must be drunk, because the dryer is fine! :) Text the bestie back, and head out the door. Call the bestie while driving to work, because you know DONT TEXT AND DIE! :) We chat while I drive, park, and walk into work. We have to park blocks away, which sucked in the winter, but is pretty awesome now.

8am- Ugh another day at work. Check the fax machine, check the other things I need to check in the morning. Check emails. Handle calls. Yahoo news story reading. Chatting with my office mate. More calls/work stuff.

9am- Check facebook, and the blogs I follow. Get the idea for this blog.

920- Breakfast at my desk. Since I've started this job I've become a breakfast person. That's good, or so they say. I had a Jimmy Dean English Muffin with egg whites, turkey sausage, and cheese. 250 calories. Not bad, and pretty tasty.

920-11ish more boring work stuff! 

11 take a walk around the block. My office is in the basement. Fresh air and sunshine are nonexistent down there. I'm so glad it's finally warm so these walks are enjoyable. 

11:15-1:30 more work stuff. Somewhere in there I need a snack. 6 starburst it is. Bad choice, but so yummy! 

1:30 I head home for lunch. Leftovers from last night. Meatloaf, peas, and a small amount of mashed potatoes. 

2:30-5 finish up the day. Mostly by reading more blogs, and looking at wedding dresses, because I'm that bored at work. 

5 notice my back tire looks flat. Call boyfriendy to see if anyone at the dealership he works for can look at it. No such luck. All the techs are gone. I stopped and put air in it until tomorrow when I can take it in. 

525- get home. Lounge around for a bit, and fell asleep. Whoops. But I did boil the eggs I needed for dinner before crashing. 

615 my honey is home. Smooooch! We chat a bit. He goes into the office to work on organizing his DVDs. I start dinner. Filets wrapped in bacon for him. I wanted grilled hot dogs. We love you Gorge Foreman!! We had Mac and Cheese and deviled eggs to go with it. I haven't added it into MyFitnessPal yet, but it should be within my calorie goal. I also started some chicken for chicken salad for lunch tomorrow. 

715 dinner is served. We eat, chat, start to watch Shrek.  After dinner he goes back to the office. I make chicken salad for lunch tomorrow. Boyfriendy taste tested. Thumbs up. 

8- off for a walk we go!! 

9- back home. I call my bestie in Bloomington and chat with her for a bit while sitting in the office watching the boyfriendy try to organize it. 

10 shower time for me. Come up with a great idea for the office. Make BF come in there to hear my awesome ideas. He's on board. Yay! 

1020 NASHVILLE!!! We thought tonight was the season finale, so we stayed up to watch it. It wasn't, but it was really good 

11:15. Snuggles and bedtime!!

So that was my day!! What did you do today?? 

Tiara pants 

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